Garage Flooring Guide: Tiles (Options, Styles & Installation)

Garage Flooring Guide: Tiles (Options, Styles & Installation)

There are many types of different tiles suitable for a garage environment. Many are easy to install, and you have a lot of colors available to customize your garage to your liking. Tiles are easy to clean, generally, last a very long time, and are resistant to most chemicals, oil, road salt, water, and mold. …

Garage Flooring Guide: Stains & Dyes (What’s the Difference?)

Garage Flooring Guide: Stains & Dyes (What’s the Difference?)

Acid staining or color-dyed garage floor will completely change the whole look of the garage. These are translucent color additives for concrete that can create multiple color hues with vibrant colors. Both methods are great budget solutions for those who want something else in their garage other than just a gray concrete floor.  Stains contain…

Garage Flooring Guide: Sealing (How it Works, Benefits)

Garage Flooring Guide: Sealing (How it Works, Benefits)

You might have heard about concrete sealers or have seen beautifully glossy concrete floors somewhere. There are many types of concrete sealers and much to know before considering the project onto your floors. We take a look at different sealers and help you make the proper choice suited for your needs.  Sealing the concrete protects…

Repurpose Old Garage Door & Openers (Helpful Videos & Ideas)

Repurpose Old Garage Door & Openers (Helpful Videos & Ideas)

Old garage doors, openers, sensors, and springs can be reused in many creative ways. You don’t always have to throw them into the recycling. It takes a bit of DIY attitude and the right tools and elbow grease to create something unique. There are many ways to turn them into objects like wall decor, shelves,…

How to Prevent Garage From Flooding & Installing Drains

How to Prevent Garage From Flooding & Installing Drains

Garages can have flooding and water damage for many reasons. Maybe the garage is missing a drain, or something like gutters or driveway was built wrong during construction. Avoiding water damage is essential, so your belongings don’t suffer. Nobody wants to see ruined items. You avoid many building-related costly problems and possible mold in the…

Finishing the Garage Walls (How to and Options You Have)

Finishing the Garage Walls (How to and Options You Have)

Garage walls are often unfinished because people like to save on construction costs. There may not have been a need to insulate or finish the walls before. The finished garage will look nicer and has many perks, such as increasing the house’s value.  There are finishing materials available like drywall, plywood, OBS, FRB, metal panels,…