How Do I Install a Pegboard?

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Pegboards are great for garage organization, and you should have one in your garage. Pegboards can also be used to mount any kind of item inside your home.

Pegboard is a grid of predrilled holes. Hooks or pegs made of metal are used to mount items and are easy to reposition. Pegboards are made of wood-based composite materials such as MDF, solid wood, plywood, or metals like steel. Plastic is also used.

Pegboards are a fast and practical way to store and organize everything. There is a multitude of different hooks and brackets to accommodate nearly anything you want to hang.

Metal and plastic pegboards are available in a variety of colors or plain galvanized steel. So they are easy to blend in your home decoration.

How To Install a Pegboard

You always need a little clearance (1/2-inch or larger gap behind the pegboard for the hooks. You need spacers or furrings strips to create the necessary clearance for a finished wall and provide for added stiffness.

You can also build frames around your pegboard.

If your garage walls have exposed studs, you can just screw pegboard to the studs.

Tools Needed

  • Stud Finder
  • Circular saw or jigsaw
  • Pencil, tape measure
  • Level, screwdriver
  • Drill bit, hammer
  • 1 x 2 lumber
  • 2-inch washer head wood screws
  • 2 1/2-inch drywall or wood screws
  • Painting or finishing supplies if needed

Pegboard With Furring Strips

  • Find and Mark the Wall Studs
  • Use a stud finder. Mark the studs in the area you are gonna cover with pegboard.
  • Mark the Edges of Pegboard
  • Measure the wall and mark the top and bottom edges of where you want the pegboard to be. Align the side edges properly with the studs.
  • Install the Furring Strips
  • Cut 1×2 pieces of furring strips to fit between outlines of pegboard and make a framework for studs. Position each strip over a wall stud. Use 2 1/2-inch drywall screws or wood screws. If furring strips split, Drill pilot holes in the strips.
  • Cut the Pegboard
  • Cut the pegboard or have it cut in the store to match the dimensions you need on the wall. You can also cut seams. Just place the seam over a furring strip. Paint or coat the pegboard if you want.
  • Hang the Pegboard
  • Position and secure the board to the furring strips and studs with 2-inch washer head screws about 10-16 inches apart. If the board is too big, have a buddy to help you out.

Pegboard Hanging With Spacers

There is metal and plastic cylinders called spacers sold for pegboard installation. You can also use little pieces of wood or metal washers or nuts to make clearance behind the pegboard. Use spacers with hollow wall anchors or into the wall studs.

  • Installation is otherwise basically the same as with furring strips. Just use enough spacers to support the board thoroughly. Drill pilot holes for expansion anchors if needed. Screw-in anchors do not need pilot holes.

How Much Weight Can Pegboards and Hooks Hold?

Pegboards can hold 50-200 lbs if properly installed. Metal pegboards are the sturdiest.

Weight capacity depends on a lot of variables, like where it is installed. Drywall, studs, concrete walls. If you are planning to put a lot of weight on the pegboard. Buy a heavy-duty one and use a lot of spacers or furrings strips.


Standard hooks carry 15-20 pounds. Some special ones can hold 40 pounds.

Always Install heavy objects to the studs. Drywall can’t hold heavier stuff alone.

Wall studs are usually 16 inches apart.

How Big Are Pegboard Holes?

  • Smaller holes are 3/16 inch in diameter, usually in ⅛ inch thick board
  • Larger holes are ¼ inch in diameter, generally in ¼ inch thick board

Smaller hole boards are suitable for small projects and lighter-weight stuff.

Larger hole boards are for garagesworkshops, and heavier stuff.

Both hole sizes are spaced 1 inch apart.

How Much Space Is Needed for Pegboard?

Pegboards come in standard sizes or can be cut from large sheets to the size you need.

For installation, you need to have clearance (1/2-inch or larger gap ) between the pegboard and wall so you can insert hooks or pegs you wish to use.

Plastic and metal pegboard usually have the space built in. Created by the L-shape flanges at the edges.

  • Standard sizes are 2×4 ft and 4×4 ft, and 4×8 ft.
  • And in 1/8-, 3/16- and 1/4-inch thicknesses.
  • Metal panels are generally in 16 and 24-inch increments.

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